ACE gives you the opportunity to apply to multiple employers at once. As part of this you need to reflect on which practice setting you wish to work in. Choose settings that you are interested in, and ideally ones you have had experience in during your student clinical placements. Then check which employers are offering RN roles in those settings in this round. Some options are not available in some regions or with some employers so check carefully and consider what combinations are possible.
Think about where you currently live and if you would be willing to move to take up a job. What is more important to you, the location, the employer or the practice setting?
You can choose up to five (5) practice settings. We recommend using all your choices
The practice settings you can choose from are:
- Aged Residential Care (which includes aspects of primary care and high and complex needs)
- Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation
- Cardiac Care (Includes Coronary Care Units and Cardiothoracic)
- Disability Health
- District Nursing
- Emergency & Trauma
- Health of Older People within Health NZ |Te Whatu Ora
- Intensive Care (Includes High Dependency)
- Medical
- Mental Health & Addictions (NESP) Choose this as your first preference if you want to work in mental health
- Neonatal
- Oncology
- Paediatrics, Child Health and Youth Health
- Perioperative Care (Theatre)
- Primary Health Care (Including Practice Nursing, GP Clinics, Accident & Medical Centres/Urgent care, Hauora Māori Providers, Iwi providers, Pacific Providers, School Nursing, Well Child Providers, Plunket, NGOs and Hospices)
- Public Health Nursing
- Rural Health
- Surgical
- Woman's Health
Remember, you can change practice settings once you have one or two years experience as an RN. Your first setting will not define your entire career.
The following employers are part of ACE. You can read more about each employer on their website.
All the listed employers participate in the end of year match process. A smaller number of employers participate in the mid-year match.
- Select a range of employers that you would like to work for. You have up to 3 choices; it will be advantageous to you to select 3 options.
- Each Health NZ I Te Whatu Ora district counts as a different employer for the ACE process.
- Employers have 6 weeks to shortlist, interview and rank their graduates. Each employer is responsible for this process and each employer may perform this process slightly differently.
ACE staff are not involved with shortlisting, interviews and job offers and can’t answer any questions about that part of the process.
Health New Zealand I Te Whatu Ora
New nursing graduates – Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – all regions and districts.
See map for district locations.Health New Zealand - Te Toka Tumai Auckland
2 Park Rd, Grafton. Auckland 1023Rachel Phillips - Nurse Educator, NETP Coordinator
021 246 3083
RPhillips@adhb.govt.nzClaire Preston - Associate Nurse Director
021 582 341
cpreston@adhb.govt.nzLogan O'Hara - NESP Coordinator
021 717 801
LoganO@adhb.govt.nzMo Badri - Recruitment Administrator
MoB@adhb.govt.nzHealth New Zealand - Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty
829 Cameron Rd, Tauranga 3134Kelsey Curtis - NETP New Graduate Nurse Co-ordinator
027 590 8109
Kelsey.Curtis@bopdhb.govt.nzTiffany Winiata - Pouako Tapuhi Kaupapa Māori ǀ Nurse Educator - NETP
027 230 5292
tiffany.winiata@bopdhb.govt.nzHealth New Zealand - Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty Graduate Programme
Health New Zealand - Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty Information SheetHealth New Zealand - Waitaha Canterbury
32 Oxford Tce, Christchurch 8011Stephanie Cook - Nurse Educator NETP
027 515 2815 King - Nurse Manager
027 383 5744 Davie - NETP
027 527 2763 New Zealand - Waitaha Canterbury Graduate Programme
Health New Zealand - Waitaha Canterbury Information SheetHealth New Zealand - Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley
Riddiford St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 (Capital & Coast); High Street, Lower Hutt, 5010 (Hutt Valley)Lisa Karaka - NETP Coordinator and Cultural Support (Capital & Coast)
027 620 9674 Eden - NETP Coordinator (Hutt Valley)
027 807 9621 Adams - NESP Nurse Educator
027 548 8853 Bailey - Maori NESP Nurse Educator
027 480 0224 New Zealand - Counties Manukau
Private Bag 93311, Otahuhu, Auckland 1640Denyse Lewis-Lavea - Nurse Educator NETP Karaka - NETP
021 242 6776 Krishna - New Graduate Nurse Educator
021 924 431 Tusami - NESP Coordinator
021 369 251 New Zealand - Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay100 McLeod St, Hastings 4156Zena Wells - Nurse Educator, NETP & NESP
027 231 3213
zena.wells@hbdhb.govt.nzSally Houliston - Nurse Consultant
Sally.Houliston@hbdhb.govt.nzHealth New Zealand - Lakes
Private Bag 3023, Rotorua 3046Marguerite Marsh - NETP Coordinator
Marguerite.Marsh@lakesdhb.govt.nzRachel Wainohu - NETP Administrator
07 349 9009 x 8781 Price - NESP Coordinator
Joanna.Price@lakesdhb.govt.nzHealth New Zealand - Lakes Graduate Programme
Health New Zealand - Lakes Employer Information SheetHealth New Zealand - Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua MidCentral50 Ruahine St, Palmerston North 4440Fiona Rowan - Nurse Educator NETP
06 350 9143
Fiona.Rowan@midcentraldhb.govt.nzLeigh de Vre - NESP Site co-ordinator
0277 287 287
leigh.devre@midcentraldhb.govt.nzHealth New Zealand - Nelson Marlborough
Private Bag 18, Nelson 7042Jodi Miller - Associate Director of Nursing
03 539 5358
Jodi.Miller@nmdhb.govt.nzSamantha Tsironis - NETP Administrator
03 546 1800 x 8947
Samantha.Tsironis@nmdhb.govt.nzNelson Marlborough Graduate Programme
Nelson Marlborough Employer Information SheetHealth New Zealand - Te Tai Tokerau, Northland
Private Bag 9742, Whangarei, 0148Raiquel TePuni - Nursing & Midwifery Director, NETP
021 471 140 Simperingham - Professional Leader, NESP New Zealand - Te Tai Tokerau Northland Graduate Programme
Health New Zealand - Te Tai Tokerau Northland Information SheetHealth New Zealand - South Canterbury
Queen Street, Parkside, Timaru 7910Megan Stark - New Graduate Coordinator
03 687 2358 X 8358 New Zealand - Southern
201 Great King St, Dunedin 9054 or Kew Rd, InvercargillColette Parai - Dunedin NETP Coordinator
03 474 0999 x 58775
colette.parai@southerndhb.govt.nzCatherine May - NESP Coordinator
03 476 9366
Catherine.May@southerndhb.govt.nzLara Gleeson - Invercargill NETP Coordinator
Lara.Gleeson@southerndhb.govt.nzHealth New Zealand - Southern NETP and NESP Graduate Programme
Health New Zealand - Southern Employer Information SheetHealth New Zealand - Tairāwhiti
421 Ormond Rd, Gisborne 4040Ondrea Gooch - NETP & NESP Coordinator
021 524 236
06 869 0500 x 8134 New Zealand - Tairāwhiti Graduate Programme
Health New Zealand - Tairāwhiti Information SheetHealth New Zealand - Taranaki
David St, Westown, New Plymouth 4310Heidi Ashcroft - Nurse Educator
021 1516 310 New Zealand - Waikato
Pembroke St, Hamilton 3240Jade Longmore - Nurse Educator
027 220 1879 Cunningham Nursing ProgrammesHealth New Zealand - Wairarapa
Te Ore Ore Road, Masterton, 5840Hannah Chittick - Nurse Educator and NETP Coordinator
06 946 9800 x 5781 | 027 5378 835 Adams – NESP Nurse Educator
027 548 8853 Bailey – Maori NESP Nurse Educator New Zealand - Wairarapa Graduate Programme
Health New Zealand - Wairarapa Information SheetHealth New Zealand - Waitemata
Private Bag 93503, Takapuna, Auckland 0740Janine Quiding - Nurse Director and NETP Coordinator
021 890 195
Janine.Quiding@waitematadhb.govt.nzVictoria MacKay - NETP Programme Coordinator/Nurse Educator
021 705 147
victoria.mackay@waitematadhb.govt.nzShivika Singh - Clinical Nurse Educator-NESP
Shivika.Singh@waitematadhb.govt.nzJason Cabral-Tarry - Clinical Nurse Educator-NESPFiona Murray - Nurse EducatorSasha Drennan - Nurse Educator Primary Health CareRachael Evans - Nurse Educator Primary Health Care
rachael.evans@waitematadhb.govt.nzHealth New Zealand - Te Tai o Poutini West Coast
71 Water Walk Rd, Blaketown, Greymouth 7805Kate Benner - Nurse Educator NETP Gilenan - NETP New Zealand - West Coast Graduate Programme in partnership with Health New Zealand Waitaha Canterbury
Health New Zealand - West Coast Information SheetHealth New Zealand - Whanganui
100 Heads Road, Whanganui 4501Sarah Marsh - Nurse Educator & NETP Coordinator021 478 769Sarah Holland - Nurse Educator & NESP Coordinator Graduate Programme
Whanganui Employer Information Sheet -
Department of Corrections I Ara Poutama Aotearoa
Raewyn Hunn - Recruitment Advisor
027 376 6949 -
Evolution Healthcare
30 Florence Street, Newtown, Wellington 6021Lael Meredith - Project Manager
021 338 216 -
Ryman Healthcare
Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Southern VillagesSarah Pickersgill - Clinical Education Advisor
027 330 4939
Sarah.Pickersgill@rymanhealthcare.comAbbe King - Recruitment Manager
03 669 6246 -
Southern Cross Hospitals
Julie Hedley - Nurse Consultant, Learning and Development NETP Auckland Region: Southern Cross North Harbour Hospital; Southern Cross Gillies Hospital; Southern Cross Brightside Hospital; Southern Cross Auckland Surgical Centre; Ormiston Hospital.
- Midland Region: Southern Cross Hamilton Hospital; Grace Hospital, Tauranga; Southern Cross Rotorua Hospital.
- New Plymouth Region: Southern Cross New Plymouth Hospital.
- Central Region: Southern Cross Wellington Hospital; Manuka St Hospital, Nelson.
- Southern Region: Southern Cross Christchurch Hospital; Southern Endoscopy Centre, Christchurch.
Applying to Primary Health Care Positions
You can apply to both NETP and NESP programmes through ACE and you can apply for Primary Health Care positions through ACE.
Primary Health Care positions include the following
- Practice Nursing
- GP Clinics
- Accident & Medical Centres
- Iwi Providers
- Pacific Providers
- School Nursing
- Well Child Tamariki Ora providers (e.g. Plunket)
- NGO's
- Hospice
As part of your application you will be asked to select up to 5 practice preferences. Within the list of specialties available you will see a specific option available Primary Health Care and you should select this as one of your 5 preferences, in the order in which you would like to have your application considered.
In your cover letter you can give more detail about the exact primary care setting you would like to work in and employers will work with local Primary Health Care providers to identify potential employment opportunities for new graduates.
During your interview with potential employers you will be given an opportunity to discuss in more detail the exact practice settings available within that organisation and which of these you feel you are best suited to. If Primary Health Care providers advertise for new graduate registered nurse positions you can still apply for these directly to them, outside of the ACE process.
Applying to Aged Residential Care Positions
Within the list of specialties available you will see a specific option for Aged Residential Care and if you are interested in working within this area, you should select this as one of your 5 preferences, in the order in which you would like to have your application considered.
In your cover letter you can give more detail about the exact aged residential care setting you would like to work in and employers will work with local Aged Residential Care providers to identify potential employment opportunities for new graduates.
During your interviews with potential employers you will be given an opportunity to discuss in more detail the exact practice settings available within that organisation and which of these you feel you are best suited to. If Aged Residential Care providers advertise for new graduate registered nurse positions you can still apply for these directly to them, outside of the ACE process.
Applying to St. George's Hospital (Health New Zealand - Waitaha Canterbury only)
To apply for a position with St George's Hospital, please select Health New Zealand - Waitaha Canterbury and Surgical as your practice setting preferences, you should select this as one of your 5 preferences, in the order in which you would like to have your application considered.
In your Cover Letter you can give more detail about St. George's Hospital and employers will work with them to identify potential employment opportunities for new graduates.
During your interview you will be given an opportunity to discuss in more detail the exact practice settings available within that employer’s area and which of these you feel you are best suited to.